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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > ActiveSync

Client Types

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If you wish to define customized ActiveSync Client Settings for a specific type of ActiveSync client, use this screen to manage those settings. The Client-Type of all clients currently authorized to use ActiveSync are listed here, and each Client-Type's entry indicates whether or not its settings have been defined. To edit a Client-Type's Client Settings, double-click the entry, or right-click it and click Customize Client Settings. You can also right-click an entry to remove the customized settings or add or remove the Client-Type from the ActiveSync Allow List or Exempt List.

Client-Type Client Settings

By default each Client-Type client setting is set to inherit its state from the Account Client Settings. Changing a Client-Type setting will override the account setting for any account using a client of that type. If you do not want the Client-Type Client Settings to apply to a specific client, then you can override Client-Type settings by editing that Client's Client Settings.



Log level

ActiveSync for MDaemon supports six levels of logging, from the highest to lowest amount of data logged:


This is the most extensive log level. Logs all available entries, and is typically only used when diagnosing a problem.


Moderate logging. Logs general operations without details. This is the default log level.


Warnings, errors, critical errors, and startup/shutdown events are logged.


Errors, critical errors, and startup/shutdown events are logged.


Critical errors and startup/shutdown event are logged.


Only startup and shutdown events are logged.


By default, the Log Level setting is inherited from the Client Settings hierarchy. So, Clients inherit their setting from Client Types, Client Types from Accounts, Accounts from Groups, and so on. The Global Client Setting for this option is determined by the Log Level setting on the Diagnostics dialog.

Archive transactions as [XML | WBXML]

Use the Archive XML... and WBXML options if you wish to save this data, which can sometimes be useful for debugging purposes. The global options are disabled by default.

Validate/correct PIM mrk file integrity

This option runs a validation and correction process on the client's PIM data to look for known issues that could prevent it from syncing correctly, such as duplicate iCal UIDs or empty required fields. The global option is disabled by default.

Client Options

Enforce protocol restrictions

Enable this option if you wish to deny connections from any client that attempts to use a protocol other than the the Allowed Protocol Versions specified for the client. By default this option is disabled, which means that protocol restrictions do not prevent a client from using a different protocol; they simply tell the client which protocols to use. If a client attempts to use a restricted protocol anyway, MDaemon will still allow the connection. See: Protocol Restrictions for more information.

Respond with logon alias as 'PrimarySmtpAddress' in Get/UserInformation

This allows the service to return an alias/secondary address as the primary address in response to a Settings/Get/UserInformation request. This works around an issue caused by a post iOS9.x update that resulted in clients not being able to send mail using an alias. Using this option results in a non-specification compliant response to Settings/Get/UserInformation.

New clients require administrative approval

Enable this option if you wish to require new clients to be authorized by an administrator before they can begin synchronizing with an account. The Clients list indicates any clients awaiting authorization, and the administrator can authorize them from the same screen. This setting it is Off by default.

Max clients per user

If you wish to limit the number of ActiveSync clients or devices that can be associated with an MDaemon account, specify the desired number in this option. The global option is set to "unlimited" by default. This option is available on the Global, Domain, and Account client settings screens, not the individual Clients screens.

Bandwidth reset day

Use this option if you wish to reset the bandwidth usage statistics for ActiveSync devices on a specific day of each month. The reset event takes place as part of the normal nightly maintenance process and is logged to the System log like other maintenance routines. The global option is set to "0 (Never)" by default, meaning the usage stats will never be reset. Set the child options to a different day if, for example, you want the reset day to coincide with a user or client's wireless carrier billing reset date.


Exempt from Location Screen

Enable this option on an ActiveSync client's settings screen if you want the device to be able to bypass Location Screening. This makes it possible for a valid user to continue to access his or her account via ActiveSync when, for example, traveling to a location that is otherwise blocked from authentication attempts. In order to exempt the device it must have connected and authenticated using ActiveSync within the time-frame configured in the Remove inactive clients after this many days setting located on the Tuning screen.

Dynamically allow remote address

When exempting a device from Location Screening, enable this option if you also wish to allow the remote IP address from which it is connecting. This can be useful for allowing other clients that might be connecting from the same IP address.

Allow clients provisioned/managed by other servers

By default, when the ActiveSync server sends provisioning data/policy specifics to a client and it reports that it is also managed by another ActiveSync server, the client will still be allowed to connect to MDaemon. In this circumstance, however, there is no way to ensure that your policy specifics will be applied where they conflict with the other ActiveSync server's policy. Generally clients default to using the most restrictive option where policies conflict. Disable this option if you do not wish to allows those clients to connect.

Disallow Factory Reset Wipes

If set to On/Yes, the ability to Full Wipe an ActiveSync Client will not be available. If you wish to be able to do a full remote wipe on a client, you must first disable this option. The option is disabled by default. For more information, see: Full Wiping an ActiveSync Client on the Clients page.


FolderSync Options

FolderSync Options


Allowed/Blocked Senders folder

By default the user's Allowed Senders and Blocked Senders contact folders are not synced with devices. They are generally only used by MDaemon to help with automatic spam prevention. For that reason they do not need to be displayed on devices as contacts.

Non-default mail folders

By default all user-created and default mail folders can be synced with the device. Enable this option if you wish to allow only the default mail folders to be synced, i.e. the Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Drafts, and so on. No user-created folders will be included. This option is disabled by default.

Non-default PIM folders

By default all of the user's PIM folders (i.e. contacts, calendar, notes, tasks, etc.) will be synced with the device. Enable this option if you wish to allow only the default PIM folders to be synced. For example, if this option is enabled and a user has multiple calendar folders, only the default calendar will be synced. This option is disabled by default.


Public Folder hierarchy

Check this box if you want the public folders to which a user has access to be included in the user's folder list on ActiveSync devices. This is enabled by default.

Allow searching

Allows the client to search the Public Folders to which it has access. This is allowed by default.

Public Folder traversal (exposes folder names)

By default, in order for a client to sync/access a public subfolder, the account must have Lookup permission for both the subfolder (i.e. child folder) and all parent public folders above it. If the account does not have permission to see the parent folders then it cannot see the child folder either, even if the account has permission to do so. Enable this option if you wish to allow the client to access these child folders. Note: enabling this option must necessarily reveal the names of the parent folders to the client, which could be deemed a security risk. This option is disabled by default.

Maximum number of Public folders

Use this option if you wish to limit the number of Public Folders allowed on the device. When a limit is set, the server iterates through the list of folders until the limit is reached, and then no more are sent to the device. There is no way to ensure the order in which folders will be processed. By default there is no global limit set.

Shared folders

Check this box if you want the shared folders to which a user has access to be included in the user's folder list on ActiveSync devices. This is enabled by default.

Allow searching

Allows the client to search the Shared Folders to which it has access. This is allowed by default.


Content Handling

Content Handling Options

Create tasks/reminders for mail items when flagged by client

This option makes it possible for MDaemon to remind the user about flagged items, by creating a task item for each flagged email when the client requests it. The global option for this control is enabled by default.

Always send meeting updates when event modified

Some clients do not properly send meeting update emails when modifying a meeting. This instructs the ActiveSync Service to send out a meeting update when a meeting item is updated by the organizer. This should only be set on clients and client types that fail to send out meeting updates properly, otherwise, it will result in duplicate meeting updates being sent. Consequently, this option is only available on the settings pages for Clients and Client-Types.

Request Read Receipts on all sent mail

Enable this option if you want the server to request read confirmation for all mail sent by a client. This is disabled by default.

Send Read Receipt from Server when mail marked as read and when requested by sender

Enable this option if you want the server to support read confirmation requests and issue a read receipt when a message is flagged as read by a client. This is disabled by default.

Send as Alias specified in ReplyTo Address

Some clients may not allow a sender to send mail using an Alias. This feature was added to the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol 16.x, but some clients do not support 16.x. For instance, Outlook for Windows only uses EAS 14.0, and while it does allow a user to specify an alternate address to send as, the message generated does not reflect the user's choices correctly. This option allows the use of the ReplyTo field to send the email, as long as that ReplyTo address is a valid alias for that user. The global option is enabled by default.

Virtually merge public contacts into default contacts

Enable this option if you wish to merge the public contacts with the user's default contacts on the device. This is only a virtual merge, that is they are not actually copied to the user's contacts folder. This can be useful on clients that do not support Global Address List (GAL) searches. This is disabled by default.

Block Sender when moving mail into Junk-Email folder

When enabled, upon a client moving an email to the account's Junk Email folder, the service will add the Sender or From address of that email to the Blocked Senders Contacts folder.

Force sending meeting responses when a meeting request is accepted/declined, etc.

When enabled, upon a client accepting, declining or otherwise choosing an action in response to a meeting request, the service will send a meeting response to the meeting organizer. This is for specific clients that don't properly send those updates themselves.

Preview Effective Settings

This button is available on all of the child Client Settings screens (i.e. domains, accounts, and clients). Since by default the options on those screens are set to inherit their settings from a parent screen, use this feature to see what settings are currently being applied to the displayed screen.
