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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Server Settings > Public & Shared Folders

Public & Shared Folders

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To reach the Public & Shared Folders screen, click "Setup » Server Settings » Public & Shared Folders".

Enable public folders

Click this check box if you wish to allow users to gain access to public folders. The users that can access them and the level of access granted is designated under each folder on the Public Folder Manager. Clear this check box if you want to hide public folders from all users.

Public IMAP folder prefix string (ex: 'Public/')

Public folders are prefixed with a sequence of up to 20 characters, such as "#" or "Public Folders/". This is to help users easily distinguish public from private folders from within their email client. Use this text box to specify the series of characters that you wish to use to denote public folders.

Create Contact, Calendar, Task, Journal, and Notes folders for all domains

Click this check box if you wish to ensure that these folders exist for all domains. Whenever a Domain is added to MDaemon, these folders will be created.

Keep contact folders up to date with MDaemon account data

If this option is enabled, MDaemon will keep the contact folders synchronized with its account list.

Add and remove contacts when accounts enabled/disabled

By default when you disable an account, the account will be removed from the domain's public contacts folder. Then if you re-enable the account, it will be added again to the contacts. This option is enabled by default to prevent disabled accounts from showing up in Webmail's auto-complete system.

Delete domain public folders when domain is deleted

Click this check box if you wish to delete a domain's public folders when the domain is deleted.

Enable shared folders

Click this check box if you wish to allow IMAP users to share access to their IMAP folders. The users who can access them and the level of access granted is designated under each folder on the Shared Folders screen of the Account Editor (Accounts » Account Manager » [User Account] » Shared Folders). Clear this check box if you wish to prevent users from being able to share access to their folders, and prevent the aforementioned Shared Folders screen from appearing on the Account Editor.

When using MDaemon Connector, this option will be unavailable. You will not be able to deactivate it because user folder sharing is required for MDaemon Connector to function properly.

Shared IMAP folder prefix string (ex: 'Shared/')

Shared user folders are prefixed with a sequence of up to 20 characters, such as "Public Folders/". This is to help users easily distinguish shared from private folders from within their email client. Use this text box to specify the series of characters that you wish to use to denote shared user folders.

Disabled access to shared folders when account is disabled

By default MDaemon's IMAP, Webmail, and ActiveSync servers do not allow access to the shared folders of disabled accounts. Clear this checkbox if you wish to allow access to account shared folders even if when an account is disabled.
