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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Public & Shared Folders

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MDaemon supports shared Public and User IMAP folders. Public folders (managed from the Public Folder Manager) are extra folders that do not belong to any particular account but can be made available to multiple IMAP users. User folders are IMAP folders that belong to individual MDaemon accounts. Each shared folder, whether public or user, must have a list of MDaemon users associated with it, and only members of that access list may access it via MDaemon Webmail or an IMAP email client.

When IMAP users access their list of personal folders, they will also see the shared public and shared user folders to which they have been given access. In this way certain mail folders can be shared by multiple users but still require each user's individual logon credentials. Further, having access to a folder doesn't necessarily mean having full read/write or administrative access to it. Specific access rights can be granted to individual users, thus allowing you to set different levels of access for each one. For example, you might allow some users to delete messages while restricting that from others.

Once a public or user IMAP folder has been created you can use the Content Filter to set criteria by which certain messages are moved into that folder. For example, it might be useful to make a filter rule that would cause messages containing in the TO: header to be moved into the Support public folder. The Content Filter actions "Move Message to Public Folders..." and "Copy Message to Folder..." make this possible. For shared user folders, you can use your personal IMAP filters to route specific messages to them. In addition to using Content Filters and IMAP filters, you can associate a specific account with a shared folder so that messages destined for that "Submission Address" will be automatically routed to the shared folder. However, only users who have been granted "post" permission to the folder will be able to send to that address.

For added convenience, the Mailing List editor also contains a Public Folder screen that makes it possible for you to configure a public folder for use with a particular list. If you enable this feature then a copy of each list message will be placed into the specified public folder. All public folders are stored in the \Public Folders\ directory within the MDaemon directory hierarchy.

Webmail Documents Folders

The Webmail themes support document sharing using document folders. Document folders have full Access Control List (ACL) support like other shared folders, which can be used to set permissions and sharing rules, and any types of files can be shared through the system. Webmail users can upload files to their document folders using the built-in tools. When using the LookOut theme, browsers that support the HTML5 Drag and Drop API, such as Chrome and Firefox, can also upload files by dragging them from the desktop into the browser window. Filenames can be searched and renamed, and files can be attached to new messages that are being composed.

You can enable/disable the documents folders (and other shared folders) on a per-domain and per-user basis by editing the \WorldClient\Domains.ini file and individual \Users\..\WC\user.ini files respectively. You can configure both default settings and customized settings, which will override the defaults. For example:






DocumentsFolderName=Example Documents









Setting a Maximum File Size

You can limit the size of individual files that can be uploaded to documents folders by adding this key to the domains.ini file: MaxAttachmentSize=<value in KB> The default value is 0, which means there is no limit.

Blocking or Allowing File Types

To prevent certain file types from being uploaded to the documents folder, add the BlockFileTypes= key to the domains.ini file, listing the files types you wish to block separated by a space or comma. For example, "BlockFileTypes=exe dll js".

To allow only certain file types to be uploaded to the documents folder, add the AllowFileTypes= key to the domains.ini file, listing the files types you wish to allow separated by a space or comma. For example, "AllowFileTypes=jpg png doc docx xls xlsx".

When both keys are used, priority is given to blocked files when there is a conflict; if an extension is in both lists then that extension will be blocked. If a key is used without a value (i.e. no list of extensions), then that key will not be used. File extensions can include a "." (e.g. .exe .dll), but it isn't required.
