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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > ActiveSync


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Blocked Clients

Use this option to prevent a specific Device Type, Client ID, or User Agent from accessing MDaemon's ActiveSync server.

Adding a Blocked Entry

To add an entry to the list, click Add Entry, specify the device info, and click Ok. You can obtain the device info from the device itself or from the ActiveSync log files if the device has connected to MDaemon's ActiveSync server.

You can block a device easily from the Clients dialog. Right-click a client in the list, and click Block this client.

Deleting a Blocked Entry

To delete entries, select one or more entries from the list and click Delete Entry. You will be asked to confirm the action before they are deleted.

Exempted Clients

Use this option to exempt a specific Device Type, Client ID, or User Agent from provisioning or policy restrictions.

Adding an Exempted Client

To add an entry to the list, click Add Entry, specify the device info, and click Ok. You can obtain the device info from the device itself or from the ActiveSync log files if the device has connected to MDaemon's ActiveSync server.

You can exempt a device easily from the Clients dialog. Right-click a client in the list, and click Exempt this client from policies.

Deleting an Exempted Entry

To delete entries, select one or more entries from the list and click Delete Entry. You will be asked to confirm the action before they are deleted.
