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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > ActiveSync

Policy Manager

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Use this screen to manage the ActiveSync Policies that can be assigned to user devices to govern various options. Predefined policies are provided, and you can create, edit and delete your own. Default policies can be assigned per domain and per per account, and policies can be assigned to specific clients.

Not all ActiveSync devices recognize or apply policies consistently. Some may ignore policies or certain policy elements altogether, and others may require a device reboot before changes take effect. Further, when attempting to assign a new policy to a device, it will not be applied to the device until the next time it connects on its own to the ActiveSync server; policies cannot be "pushed" to devices until they connect.

ActiveSync Policies

Right-click the list to open the shortcut menu with the following options:

Create Policy

Click this option to open the ActiveSync Policy Editor, used for creating and editing your policies.


To delete a policy, select a custom policy from the list and then click Delete. Click Yes to confirm the action. The predefined policies cannot be deleted.

Edit Policy

To edit a policy, right-click a custom policy from the list and then click Edit Policy. After making your desired changes in the policy editor, click OK. The predefined policies cannot be edited.

View Policy Usage

Right-click a policy and then choose this option to view a list of all domains, accounts, and clients that are set to use this policy.

ActiveSync Policy Editor ActiveSync Policy Editor

The ActiveSync Policy Editor has four tabs: General, Passwords, Sync, and Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings tab is hidden unless you activate Enable editing of advanced policy options, located on the ActiveSync System screen.