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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > ActiveSync

Protocol Restrictions

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Device Protocol Restrictions

Use the options located under "ActiveSync » Protocol Restrictions" to tell certain clients and devices that they are restricted to specific ActiveSync protocols. This is useful when, for example, a certain type of device is found to have unreliable support for one protocol but reliable support for another. Using the Add/Edit Protocol Restriction dialog, you can define restrictions based on User Agent or Device Type, and restrict the devices to any of the following ActiveSync protocol versions: 2.5, 12.0, 12.1, 14.0, 14.1, and 16.1.

By default, protocol restrictions do not prevent a client from attempting to use a different protocol; they tell the client which protocols to use. If a client attempts to use a restricted protocol anyway, MDaemon will still allow the connection. If you wish to deny connections that attempt to use restricted protocols, use the Enforce protocol restrictions option on the Client Settings dialogs.

Right-click an entry in the list to open a shortcut menu with the following options:

Create Protocol Restriction

Click this option to open the Add/Edit Protocol Restriction dialog (see below), used for adding your protocol restrictions.

Edit Protocol Restriction

To edit a protocol restriction, double-click an entry in the list (or right-click and choose Edit Protocol Restriction). After making your desired changes in the restriction editor, click OK.

Delete Protocol Restriction

To delete a protocol restriction, double-click an entry in the list (or right-click and choose Delete Protocol Restriction). Click Yes to confirm your decision to delete the restriction.

Add/Edit Protocol Restriction

User-Agent or Device Type Filter

Enter the User Agent or Device Type to which the restriction will apply. When identifying the agent, MDaemon uses up to and including the first "/" character in the string, if one is present. If not, then the entire string is used. If you do not know the exact name of the User Agent or Device Type, once the client has connected to MDaemon ActiveSync (MDAS) you can go to the Clients screen, select the client from the list, and click Details. You can also find this info by examining the MDAS log file directly.

Allowed Protocol Versions

Click each protocol that you wish to support for the device or agent. When the specified client connects to MDaemon it will be told to use only the protocols that you have selected.