Remote Mail Delivery
Always send all outbound email directly to the recipient's mail server
When this option is selected, SecurityGateway will use the normal SMTP delivery process to attempt to deliver each outbound message directly to the recipient's mail server—normal DNS lookups will be performed, MX records will be checked, and the like. This option is selected by default.
Always send every outbound email to the server specified below
Choose this option if you wish to send all outbound mail to another server, giving it the responsibility to deliver those messages.
Mail server:
Use this option to specify the mail server to which SecurityGateway will send all outbound messages, to let that server to handle their delivery. You can enter a host or IP address such as mail.example.com or
This is the port that SecurityGateway will use when sending the messages to the designated server.
Access to the above mail server requires authentication
If the designated mail server requires authentication, click this check box and enter the login credentials below.
User name:
If authentication is required, enter the user name login credential here.
Enter the password corresponding to the user name entered above.
Cache SMTP connection failures: [xx] minutes
By default, SMTP connection failures are cached for five minutes. Use this option to adjust how long they will be cached, or disable the option if you do not wish to cache them.
The Retry Queue options determine how SecurityGateway will handle messages that cannot be delivered due to some non-fatal error, such as when the receiving server is temporarily unavailable.
During the first hour, retry delivery every: [xx] minutes (recommended: 5)
During the first hour after a message cannot be delivered, this is the interval that SecurityGateway will wait between making further delivery attempts. The default setting is 5 minutes.
Inform the sender if message is not delivered during this period
By default, if SecurityGateway is unable to deliver the message for one hour, it will send a message to the sender stating that it hasn't yet been able to deliver the message, but that it will keep trying. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to send that message.
...include original message when informing the sender
By default, when SecurityGateway sends the "could not be delivered" message to a sender after the first hour, it will include a copy of the original message. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to include the original message with it.
...include full message transcript informing the sender
Enabled this option if you wish to include the full message transcript when sending a non-delivery report (NDR) for a transient or permanent delivery failure. This option is disabled by default; only the final error message from the remote SMTP server will be included.
After that, retry delivery every: [xx] minutes (recommended: 240)
After a message cannot be delivered for one hour, SecurityGateway will switch to this interval between further delivery attempts. The default setting is 240 minutes. SecurityGateway will continue delivery attempts at this interval for the number of days specified in the Undeliverable Mail options below.
Cache SMTP connection failures
By default when an SMTP connection to a given host fails, SecurityGateway will cease trying to connect to that host for one minute less than the number of minutes specified in the "During the first hour, retry delivery every: [xx] minutes" option above. This can prevent SecurityGateway from needlessly attempting to connect to an offline host over and over again when, for example, it has multiple messages designated for that host but discovers that the host is down when making its first delivery attempt. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to cache SMTP failures.
Whenever any message, whether inbound or outbound, cannot be delivered due to a non-fatal error such as when the recipient's mail server is temporarily unavailable, these options govern how long SecurityGateway will continue trying to deliver the message before giving up and returning it to the sender.
If a message is still undeliverable after [xx] days then suspend all delivery attempts (recommended: 5)
This is the number of days SecurityGateway will continue attempting to deliver a message before giving up. After that time it will cease delivery attempts.
Inform the sender if the message could not be delivered
By default, after SecurityGateway ceases delivery attempts, it will send a message to the sender stating that the message could not be delivered. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to send that message.
...include original message when informing the sender
By default, when SecurityGateway sends the "could not be delivered" message to a sender, it will include a copy of the original message. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to include the original message with it.
...include full message transcript informing the sender
Enabled this option if you wish to include the full message transcript when sending a non-delivery report (NDR) for a transient or permanent delivery failure. This option is disabled by default; only the final error message from the remote SMTP server will be included.