Log Level
The option selected in this section governs the size of the inbound SMTP, outbound SMTP, and HTTP log files. This setting will not affect the system, routing, or other log files.
This is the most verbose of the logging options for the inbound, outbound, and HTTP log files. Because this option produces large log files, it can have a negative impact on performance and therefore shouldn't generally be the logging method chosen. It is helpful, however, when attempting to debug a problem.
This is the default option, and is the recommended setting for most situations. The logging isn't as extensive as the Debug option above, but log entries are still created for both successful and failed events.
Choose this option if you only wish to log failed events and other potential problems.
When this option is selected, only failures are logged. Selecting this log level may improve performance.
Choose this option if you do not wish to log any Inbound, Outbound, or HTTP events. This option is NOT recommended.
Log Mode
The option that you select in this section governs the naming convention used in the log files.
Create a standard set of log files
When selected, SecurityGateway will produce a standard set of log files, using the naming scheme: SecurityGateway-Inbound.log, SecurityGateway-Outbound.log, SecurityGateway-System.log, and so on.
Create a new set of log files each day
This is the default option. This option creates a new set of log files at midnight each night, and the date is incorporated into the name of each file. For example: SecurityGateway-20080315-Inbound.log for the Inbound SMTP log file created on March 15, 2008.
Include computer name in log filename
Enable this option if you wish to include the computer name in the log file name. This option is required if the log folder is set to a UNC path, and it allows multiple servers in a cluster to log to the same location.
Do not log SMTP or HTTP connections from these IP addresses
Use this option to specify any IP addresses for which you do NOT wish to log SMTP or HTTP connections. Incomplete and rejected SMTP messages from a specified IP address will also not be added to database. If the message is accepted for delivery it will be added to the database.
Log Maintenance
The options in this section govern log file size, the number of roll-over log files allowed, whether existing log files will be overwritten, and how often to archive old log files.
Maximum log file size: [xx] KB (0 = no size limitation)
Use this option to designate the maximum size (in KB) allowed for any log file. When a file reaches the maximum size it is renamed to *.OLD and a new file is started. The number of these "roll-over" files allowed is determined by the Maximum number of log roll-over files option below.
Maximum number of log roll-over files:
This option governs how many roll-over files are allowed for each log file. A new roll-over file is produced whenever a log file reaches the Maximum log file size designated above. These files use the following naming scheme: "filename(1).old", "filename(2).old", "filename(3).old", and so on. Each time a new roll-over file is produced, all of the other roll-over files are renamed so that the most recent data will be in the first file. For example, "filename(1).old" will always be the most recent roll-over file, "filename(2).old" will be the next most recent, and so on. When the maximum number of files is reached, the oldest will be deleted and the rest of the files will be renamed like normal. The default value of this option is 10.
Overwrite existing log files when log file names change at midnight
When the Create log files based on the day of the week option above is selected, each night at midnight SecurityGateway will create a new set of log files incorporating the day of the week into each filename. When that happens, this option determines whether or not existing files of the same name will be overwritten or if SecurityGateway will append the new data to the end of the old files. For example, if this option is enabled and on Sunday SecurityGateway finds that "SecurityGateway-Sunday-Inbound.log" already exists, then that file will be overwritten and therefore contain only information for the current day. If the option is disabled, then all of the current day's data will be appended to the end of the already existing file. This option is disabled by default.
Automatically ZIP and archive log files older than: [xx] days (0 = never)
At midnight each night, SecurityGateway will compress and move all log files older than the number of days specified in this option into the \Logs\OldLogs\ directory. The default value of this option is 14 days.