The Domain List has two columns: Name and Users. The Name column lists all of your domains and the Users column lists the number of user accounts belonging to each domain. To view or edit a domain's Properties, double-click the desired domain in the list. To view a domain's User List, click the Users link for the corresponding domain.
The toolbar at the top of the page is used to initiate various tasks associated with the Domain List. Most of the toolbar buttons require you to first select a domain from the list before you can click the desired button. The only exceptions are: New, Import, and Export. Those buttons can be clicked without selecting a domain. The toolbar contains the following ten options:
Click New to open the Properties dialog, used for creating a new SecurityGateway domain. Properties is where you will designate the name, mail server, and other desired settings for the domain.
Use the toolbar's Edit button to open the Properties dialog corresponding to the domain currently selected in the Domain List. Alternatively, you can also open the Properties dialog by double-clicking an entry.
To delete one or more domains, select the domains from the list and then click Delete. A box will open asking you to confirm the decision to delete the domains. You can select multiple domains by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each domain.
Show/Hide Search
Click Show Search to open the Domain List's search option. Type some text in the Domain name box and click Search to filter the Domain List, to display only the domains that contain that text. Click X Cancel Search to cancel the search and return the Domain List to normal.
Select an entry from the Domain List and then click Users on the toolbar to open the domain's User List. Similar to the Domain List, the User List is used to manage a domain's user accounts.
This button is used to open the Message Log for the selected domain. The Message Log contains an entry for each message sent either to or from the domain. From the Message Log you can then open the Message Information page for any entry, which displays the SMTP session transcript and the message's content and source (when available).
Click Quarantine to view the Quarantine page for the selected domain. All quarantined messages for that domain are listed and can be reviewed from that page.
Use the Allowlist button to view the selected domain's Addresses Allowlist.
Use the Blocklist button to view the selected domain's Addresses Blocklist.
You can use a comma separated values (CSV) file to import a list of domains to the Domain List. To do so, click Import on the toolbar at the top of the page. This will open the Import Domains dialog. Use the Browse button on this dialog to navigate to the CSV file containing the domains that you wish to import, and then click Import Domains.
CSV File Format
You can use any text editor such as Notepad to create the CSV file for adding domains to the Domain List. Simply create the file according to the format below and save it as filename.csv.
The first line of the CSV file must be a mapping row, which allows the server to know in what order the data will appear. Two fields in the mapping row are supported: Domain and MaxUsers. Both fields must be contained in quotes and separated by a comma. The Domain field is for the domain name (e.g. example.com), and the MaxUsers field is for the maximum number of user accounts permitted to belong to that domain. All domain names must be in quotes, and if there is a MaxUsers value specified then it must be separated from the domain name by a comma.
Example CSV file:
"domain.com", 50
"example.org", 10
You can export the list of your domains by clicking Export on the toolbar in the Domain List. This will list your domains in a CSV file with the same format as that used in the Import option outlined previously. To export the Domain List:
1.Click Export on the toolbar at the top of the page. This will open the File Download dialog.
2.Click Save.
3.Choose a file name and location for the file.
4.Click Save and then Close.