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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Enable MultiPOP

Check this box to enabled the MultiPOP server. MultiPOP collects mail from POP servers on behalf of your users and stores it in the their local mailboxes. The MultiPOP feature allows you to create an unlimited number of POP3 host/user/password combinations for collection of mail messages from multiple sources. This is useful for your users who have mail accounts on multiple servers but would prefer to collect and pool all their email together in one place. Before being placed in the user's mailbox, MultiPOP collected mail is first placed in the local queue so that it can be processed like other mail having Autoresponders and Content filters applied to it. The scheduling options for MultiPOP are located at: Setup » Event Scheduling » Mail Scheduling » MultiPOP Collection.

MultiPOP always deletes mail from all servers after collection

Click this check box if you wish to override the Leave a copy of message on POP3 server option (located on the MultiPOP screen of the Account Editor) for all users. All messages will be deleted from each MultiPOP server after they are collected.

Send notification email after this many failures

By default, MDaemon sends a notification email after multiple failures when checking a MultiPOP account. Since temporary failures can be common, this option allows you to specify how many consecutive failures it takes to trigger the notification, and the option below allows you to choose how many days to wait between those notifications. The content and recipients of the notification emails can be customized by editing \MDaemon\App\MPOPFailureNotice.dat. By default the notifications are sent to the MultiPOP account owner after 5 failures, no more than once every 7 days.

Do not notify again for this many days

By default MultiPOP failure notifications are sent no more than once every seven days. Use this option if you wish to adjust that interval.

MultiPOP OAuth

OAuth 2.0 is a modern authentication method that Gmail and Microsoft (Office) 365 are now requiring (or will soon require) as they disable support for legacy/basic authentication. In order for MDaemon's MultiPOP feature to use OAuth 2.0 to collect mail from Gmail or Office 365 on behalf of your users, you must register your MDaemon server with Google or Microsoft, respectively, creating an OAuth 2.0 application using the Google API Console or Microsoft's Azure Active Directory. This is similar to the procedure required for using MDaemon's Dropbox Integration for your Webmail users.

To set up MultiPOP to collect mail from Gmail or Microsoft (Office) 365 for your users:

1.Turn on the Enable MultiPOP option above.

2.Follow the instructions below for Creating and Linking Your MultiPOP OAuth App for Gmail or Office 365.

3.On the Account Editor's MultiPOP page, Enable MultiPOP for each user that you wish to allow to use MultiPOP to retrieve email from Gmail or Office 365.

4.Add the Gmail ( or Office 365 ( account for each of the users, and enable the Use OAuth option. Optionally you can have your users do this step for themselves in Webmail. Note: for Gmail accounts, each Gmail account must be added to the Test Users in your Gmail OAuth app (see the Publishing Status note in the Creating and Linking Your MultiPOP OAuth App instructions below).

5.On the Account Editor's Web Services page, enable the "...edit MultiPOP settings" option for each of those users.

6.Each user must sign in to Webmail, go to their Mailboxes page under Options, add their Gmail or Office 365 account (if you didn't already do that for them), and then click Authorize to sign in to their Gmail or Office 365 account and proceed through the steps to authorize MDaemon to collect their mail from that location.

Gmail/Office 365

Client ID

This is the unique Client ID assigned to your MultiPOP OAuth 2.0 app when you create it in the Google API Console or Microsoft Azure Active Directory portal. After you create your app, copy its Client ID and paste it here.

Client Secret

This is the unique Client Secret assigned to your MultiPOP OAuth 2.0 app when you create it in the Google API Console or Microsoft Azure Active Directory portal. After you create your app, copy its Client Secret and paste it here. Note: when creating the Client Secret for an Azure app, you must copy it while creating the app because it will no longer be visible after that. If you fail to copy it at that time then you must delete the secret and create a new one.

Redirect URI

You must specify a Redirect URI when creating your OAuth 2.0 app for Gmail or Office 365. The Redirect URI displayed on the MultiPOP screen is an example built from your Default Domain's SMTP host name, which should work for that domain's users when signing in to Webmail. You should add additional Redirect URIs to your app for any additional MDaemon domains your users go to when signing in to Webmail. For example, "" would work for any of your users who go to when signing in to Webmail. See: Creating and Linking Your MultiPOP OAuth App below for more information.

Redirect URI example:

Creating and Linking Your MultiPOP OAuth App Creating and Linking Your MultiPOP OAuth App

Step-by-step instructions for creating your MultiPOP OAuth 2.0 app.
