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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Accounts Menu > Account Manager > Account Editor > ActiveSync for MDaemon

Assigned Policy

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Use this screen to designate the default ActiveSync Policy that will be used for any ActiveSync client that connects using this account. By default this policy setting is inherited from the domain's policy setting, but you can change it here to override that setting for this account. Further, you can also override this account-specific setting and assign a different policy to specific Clients.

Assigning an ActiveSync Policy

To assign a policy to the account, click the Policy to Assign drop-down list, choose the policy, and click Ok or Apply.

Not all ActiveSync devices recognize or apply policies consistently. Some may ignore policies or certain policy elements altogether, and others may require a device reboot before changes take effect. Further, when attempting to assign a new policy, it will not be applied to a device until the next time the device connects on its own to the ActiveSync server; policies cannot be "pushed" to devices until they connect.
