Periodically check the software updates
Check this box if you want SecurityGateway to check for software updates automatically each day at midnight.
Click here to check for software updates now
Click this link to manually check for software updates. The results of the check will appear in the Updates box below.
This box contains the results of the software update checks. When a software update is available, all Global Administrators are notified and a link is provided that you can use to open the Software Update Details page, which can be used to download and install the update.
When an update check shows that a software update is available, a link to the Software Update Details page is provided on the Dashboard, and also in the Updates section of the Software Updates page. This page displays the current version of software that is installed, the version that is available, and the file size of the new version. It also provides a link to see a list of changes in the update and a link to download and install it.