This disclaimer is disabled
Click this check box if you wish to disable the disclaimer. It will still appear in the Message Disclaimers list, but SecurityGateway will no longer add it to any messages. Clear the check box to begin using it again.
This disclaimer is for this domain:
Use the drop-down list to designate the SecurityGateway domain to be associated with this disclaimer, or choose Global to associate it will all domains.
Use this space to provide a name or description for the disclaimer. This is simply for your reference and appears in the Message Disclaimers list.
This option is for specifying the disclaimer's Type: Header, Footer, or Custom.
Choose Header if you wish to add the disclaimer to the top of the message, above the message body.
Choose Footer if you wish to add the disclaimer to the bottom of the message, below the message body.
Choose Custom if you wish to create a custom disclaimer, using the special SecurityGateway Tags outlined below. With a custom disclaimer you can add text both above and below the body. The "<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>" tag is required in all Custom disclaimers.
This option is for specifying the type of messages that should have the disclaimer added.
Add disclaimer to incoming mail
Choose this option if you wish to add the disclaimer to all incoming messages destined for the domain selected above. If you have designated this as a Global disclaimer, it will be added to all incoming messages regardless of the domain.
Add disclaimer to outbound mail
Choose this option if you wish to add the disclaimer to all outgoing messages from the domain selected above. If you have designated this as a Global disclaimer, it will be added to all outgoing messages regardless of who sent them.
Add disclaimer to local mail
Choose this option if you wish to add the disclaimer to any message that is both to and from the domain selected above. For example, a messages from frank@example.com and to hmudd@example.com would have the disclaimer added, but a message from frank@example.com and to biff@example.net would not. If you have designated this as a Global disclaimer, it will be added to every domain's local mail.
This is where you specify the content of your disclaimer template and designate the template as either plain text or HTML. Plain text templates can only contain text, but HTML templates can contain HTML code and the special SecurityGateway Tags listed below.
Plain text (HTML characters will be encoded)
Plain text disclaimers are the default option. When this option is enabled, only plain text will be added to the message regardless of any HTML code that may exist in the text. Any HTML tags or characters will be encoded as plain text and added as well. Thus, the text "<b>My Disclaimer</b>" would be inserted exactly as is, including the HTML tags, rather than converted to bold text or having the HTML tags removed. Therefore if you create a plain text template do not include any HTML code.
When you have designated the disclaimer Type as Custom, plain text templates can contain the "<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>" tag, which allows you to place the body of the message anywhere within the template. All other tags or HTML characters will simply appear as plain text instead of being processed as code. |
Example plain text footer template:
The views in this message are not necessarily
those of example.com or its affiliates.
Example plain text custom template:
The following message was sent by an employee
of example.com.
<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY Field="body:all">{Original Email}</sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>
The views in this message are not necessarily
those of example.com or its affiliates.
Disable the Plain text option if you wish to create an HTML disclaimer template. HTML templates can contain HTML code and the special SecurityGateway Tags listed below.
Example HTML header template:
<style type="text/css">
.blueboldtext { font-family: Geneva, fixed-width; font-size: 13; color: #114477; font-weight: bold; }
<DIV>This is my header text!</DIV>
<sg:HTML_ONLY><span class="blueboldtext">Only show this text in the HTML body!</span></sg:HTML_ONLY>
<sg:TEXT_ONLY>Only show this text in the Plain Text body!</sg:TEXT_ONLY>
-------------<br />
Example Custom HTML Template:
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This is my header text!</DIV>
<br />---------</DIV>
<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY Field="body:all">{Original Email}</sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>
<br />---------</DIV>
<DIV>This is my footer text!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This text will be in html and text body<br />
<sg:HTML_ONLY>Only show this text in HTML message!</sg:HTML_ONLY>
<sg:TEXT_ONLY>Only show this text in Plain Text message!</sg:TEXT_ONLY></DIV>
You are not required to add HTML, HEAD or BODY tags to a disclaimer template. If you do add them, the tags will be merged with the corresponding tags in each email message. |
There are three custom SecurityGateway tags that can be used in your disclaimer templates. All three tags can be used in HTML templates regardless of the template Type. Custom Type plain text templates can only use the "<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>" tag.
This tag denotes in the template where the original body will be placed. The tag will be placed in the appropriate place automatically when you designate the disclaimer as a Header or Footer. For Custom Type disclaimers you must manually place this tag where you wish the message body to appear. For custom made Sieve Scripts it can be placed anywhere, but must be present.
This tag can be used in any Type of HTML disclaimer template: Header, Footer, or Custom. The body of the message will always appear wherever this tag dictates, regardless of the Type selected. For plain text templates, it can only be used in Custom Type disclaimers. |
Anything placed within this tag will only appear in the HTML body of the message; it will not appear in the Text body. This tag cannot be used in Plain Text disclaimer templates.
Anything placed within this tag will only appear in the Text body of the message; it will not appear in the HTML body. This tag cannot be used in Plain Text disclaimer templates.
Use the Sieve Script editor if you wish to add a user defined, custom disclaimer. The conditions for triggering the disclaimer are the same as for any other sieve script. Some characters in the template will need to be escaped when using the sieve editor. The following sieve filter is provided as an example of a user defined disclaimer:
require ["securitygateway","body"];
if allof(body :text :contains "Make money now!")
disclaimer "text:
<HTML xmlns:sg = \"http://www.altn.com/Products/SecurityGateway-Email-Firewall/\">
<HEAD><META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
<DIV>This is my header text!</DIV>
<DIV>Another line of header text!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>---------<br />
<sg:ORIGINAL_BODY Field=\"body:all\">{Original Email}</sg:ORIGINAL_BODY>
<br />---------</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This is my footer text!</DIV>
<DIV>Another line of footer text!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This text will be in html and text body<br />
<sg:HTML_ONLY>Only show the image and this text in HTML message!</sg:HTML_ONLY>
<sg:TEXT_ONLY>Only show this text in Plain Text message!</sg:TEXT_ONLY></DIV>
</BODY></HTML> ."
; }