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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Web & IM Services > Webmail

Web Server

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This screen contains various global, server level settings that govern Webmail's configuration and behavior regardless of the users or domains to which they belong.

MDaemon Webmail

Webmail is disabled

Choose this option to disable Webmail. You can also toggle Webmail active/inactive from the File menu, or from the Servers section of the Stats frame on the main MDaemon GUI.

Webmail must be active when using the Attachment Linking feature.

Webmail runs using built-in web server

Choose this option to run Webmail using MDaemon's built-in web server. You can also toggle Webmail active/inactive from the File menu, or from the Servers section of the Stats frame on the main MDaemon GUI.

Webmail runs using external web server (IIS, Apache, etc)

Choose this option when you wish to run Webmail under Internet Information Server (IIS) or some other web server instead of MDaemon's built-in server. This prevents certain GUI elements from being accessed which might otherwise cause conflicts with your alternate server.

For more information, see the MDaemon Technologies knowledge base article: How to setup Webmail, Remote Administration, ActiveSync, CalDav, CardDav, AutoDiscover, MDDP, Webmail API, and XML API services in IIS

Run Webmail server using this TCP port

This is the port on which Webmail will listen for connections from your users' web browsers.

Maximum number of concurrent sessions

This is the maximum number of sessions that may be connected to Webmail at the same time.

Sessions not composing a message expire after [xx] inactive minutes

When a user is logged in to Webmail but is not composing a message, this is the amount of time that their session will remain inactive before Webmail will close it.

Sessions composing a message expire after [xx] inactive minutes

This timer governs how long a user's session will be kept open while they are composing a message and the session remains inactive. It is a good idea to set this timer higher than the Sessions not composing a message... timer, since inactivity time is typically greater while a user is composing a message. This is because composing a message requires no communication with the server until the message is sent.

LAN IP Sessions not composing a message expire after [xx] inactive minutes

When a user on a LAN IP is logged in to Webmail but is not composing a message, this is the amount of time that their session will remain inactive before Webmail will close it. Note: This option is only available in MDRA.

LAN IP Sessions composing a message expire after [xx] inactive minutes

This timer governs how long a user's session on a LAN IP will be kept open while they are composing a message and the session remains inactive. It is a good idea to set this timer higher than the Sessions not composing a message... timer, since inactivity time is typically greater while a user is composing a message. This is because composing a message requires no communication with the server until the message is sent. Note: This option is only available in MDRA.

Cache HTML templates to increase web server performance

Click this box to cause Webmail to cache templates in memory rather than read them each time they need to be accessed. This can dramatically increase server performance but Webmail will have to be restarted if you ever make a change to one of the template files.

Use cookies to remember logon name, theme, and other properties

Click this option if you want Webmail to store each user's logon name, theme, and certain other properties in a cookie on his or her local computer. Using this feature gives your users a more "customized" login experience but requires that they have support for cookies enabled in their browsers.

Require IP persistence throughout Webmail session

As an added security measure you can click this checkbox to cause Webmail to restrict each user session to the IP address from which the user connected when the session began. Thus, no one can "steal" the user's session since IP persistence is required. This configuration is more secure but could cause problems for users who may be using a proxy server or Internet connection that dynamically assigns and changes IP addresses.

Use X-Forwarded-For header

Click this checkbox to enable the use of the X-Forwarded-For header, which is sometimes added by proxy servers. This option is disabled by default. Enable it only if your proxy server inserts this header.

Use HTTP Compression

Click this check box if you want to use HTTP compression in your Webmail sessions.

Send anonymous usage data

By default Webmail sends anonymous, benign usage data such as: the OS used, browser version used, language, and the like. This data is used by MDaemon Technologies to help us improve Webmail. Disable this option if you do not wish to send anonymous usage data.

Bind Webmail's web server to these IPs/ports only

If you wish to restrict the Webmail server to only certain IP addresses or ports then specify those IPs and ports here separated by commas. Use the format: "IP_address:Port" to designate a port (for example, If you do not include a port, then the default TCP port specified above and the default HTTPS port specified on the SSL & HTTPS screen will be used. Use "*" if you want Webmail to listen on all ports. For example, "*,*:80" would cause Webmail to listen on all IP addresses, on the default ports specified (3000 and 443), and it would also listen on all IP addresses on port 80. If you leave this field blank then Webmail will monitor all IP addresses designated for your Domains.

Restart Webmail (required when port or IIS value changes)

Click this button if you wish to restart the Webmail server. Note: when changing Webmail's port setting you must restart Webmail in order for the new setting to be recognized.

HTTP Response Headers

Use this option to set custom HTTP response headers for MDaemon's built-in Webmail server. You must restart the Webmail server for header changes to take effect. Note: this option is only available in Remote Admin.