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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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End of Life Notice

MDaemon Technologies announced the End of Life for sales of its RelayFax software effective June 30, 2021. Purchases of new, renewal, or expired licenses are no longer available. Existing RelayFax license owners may continue to use RelayFax, but software updates and techncial support are no longer available.


MDaemon Technologies' RelayFax Server is an email to fax and fax to email gateway that can be seamlessly integrated with Webmail in order to provide its services to your users. When this functionality is enabled, Webmail users will be given access to various features that will enable them to compose and send faxes via the Webmail client pages.

This RelayFax configuration screen is not displayed in MDRA or the MDaemon Configuration Session application unless RelayFax is installed or Webmail is using RelayFax.

RelayFax Integration Options

Allow Webmail users to compose and send faxes thru RelayFax

Click this option to integrate RelayFax with Webmail. When active it will cause a "Compose Fax" control and other fax related features to appear on the Webmail pages.

Use SMTP to deliver faxes to RelayFax

RelayFax monitors a specific mailbox for incoming messages that are to be faxed. Click this option and MDaemon will use the normal SMTP email delivery process to send these messages to that mailbox's address. This option is useful when RelayFax is monitoring a mailbox located somewhere other than your local network. If RelayFax resides on your network you may choose to have MDaemon deliver the messages directly to RelayFax's message queue and thus bypass the SMTP delivery process altogether. For more information on this method, see Directly deliver faxes into RelayFax's incoming fax queue below.

RelayFax server's email address

Specify the email address to which you want messages intended for faxing to be delivered. This value must match the address that you have configured RelayFax to monitor for these messages.

Directly deliver faxes into RelayFax's incoming fax queue

If RelayFax resides on your LAN you may choose this method rather than SMTP for distributing messages for faxing. When MDaemon receives a message intended for RelayFax it will be placed directly into RelayFax's incoming queue rather than delivered using SMTP.

Fax queue path

If RelayFax resides on the same machine on which MDaemon is running, you may leave this file path blank. Otherwise, you must specify the network path to RelayFax's \app\ folder.