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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Event Scheduling > AntiVirus Scheduling

AntiVirus Updates

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AntiVirus Updates

Wait [xx] minutes after the last AntiVirus update then do another

Click this checkbox and specify the number of minutes that you want AntiVirus to wait before checking for new virus signature updates. Note, this is actually the number of minutes that AntiVirus will attempt to wait after the last time you checked for an update, whether the update was triggered by the scheduler or manually. The scheduler and manually triggered updates are given precedence over this setting and will therefore reset this counter if an AntiVirus update event is triggered by one of those other methods. Thus, for example, if you have this option set to check for updates every 240 minutes and you manually check for an update after 100 minutes, this counter will be reset to 240.
