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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Server Settings

Priority Mail

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The Priority Mail screen is reached from the "Setup » Server Settings » Priority Mail" menu selection. It is used to define what constitutes Priority Mail on your system. Priority mail is delivered immediately by MDaemon regardless of scheduled mail processing intervals. When a new message arrives, MDaemon inspects its headers for a set of header/value combinations that you have specified on this dialog. If it finds them, it considers the message a high priority item and attempts to deliver it immediately.

Priority Mail Engine

Enable priority mail checking engine

Check this box to enable the Priority Mail feature. MDaemon will inspect incoming messages for priority status.


Enter the message header in this field. Do not include the ending colon character.


Enter the value that must be found in the specified header in order for the message to be considered high priority.  

Trigger even if value is a sub-string

When entering a new Priority Mail setting you may select this feature to enable priority matching of a portion (or sub-string) of a header value. For example, you could create a Priority Mail Setting for the "To" header with the value "Boss". Then, any email containing "Boss@anything" in that header would be considered Priority Mail. If an entry is created without this feature enabled then the value of the header must match the entry exactly; matching only a portion will not be sufficient.


After entering the Header/Value information in the specified text boxes, and after specifying whether this entry will apply to sub-strings, click the Add button to create the new Priority Mail entry.


Click this button to remove a selected entry from the Current Priority Mail Settings window.


This allows you to define field/value combinations that will cause a message to be considered an exception to the priority mail settings. This gives you more flexible control over this feature.