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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Server Settings > Logging

Composite Log

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Composite log

Include the following in the Composite Log

Located on the Windows menu of MDaemon's menu bar is a Composite Log View option. Clicking that option will add a window to MDaemon's main display that will combine the information displayed on one or more of the Event Tracker's tabs. Use the controls in this section to designate which tabs' information to combine in that window. The information contained on the following tabs can be combined:

System—Displays MDaemon's system activity such as initializing services and enabling/disabling any of MDaemon's various servers.

Routing—Displays the routing information (To, From, Message ID, and so on) for each message that is parsed by MDaemon.

SMTP—All send/receive session activity using the SMTP protocol is displayed.

POP3—When users collect email from MDaemon using the POP3 protocol, that activity is logged.

IMAP—Mail sessions using the IMAP protocol are logged.

RAW—RAW or system generated message activity is logged.

MultiPOP—Displays MDaemon's MultiPOP mail collection activities.

DomainPOP—Displays MDaemon's DomainPOP activity.

Webmail/HTTP/IM—Displays all Webmail and instant messaging activity.

Content Filter—MDaemon's Content Filter operations are listed.

Spam Filter—Displays all Spam Filtering activity.

LDAP—Displays LDAP activity.

AntiVirus—AntiVirus operations are display in the composite view.

SPF/DKIM—Displays all Sender Policy Framework and DKIM activity.

MDaemon Connector—Displays all MDaemon Connector activity.

Plugin activity—Logs MDaemon plugin activities to the composite log.

Activate composite log

Click this button to launch the composite log window in MDaemon's main interface. It can also be activated from the Windows menu of MDaemon's menu bar.