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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Security Menu

Health Check

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This page provides a convenient list of important security settings consolidated onto a single page, and it displays each setting's current value and its default value. Where those values differ, the setting is highlighted so that Global Administrators can quickly review those particular settings and then restore any of them to their default values if desired. Each group of settings also has a shortcut icon next to it, so that you can jump to the page on which those settings are located. Further, you can also view a list of all Health Check changes made during the current browser session, and undo any of those listed changes if necessary. Note: This feature is only available in the MDaemon Remote Administration (MDRA) web-interface.

Restoring Settings to their Default Values

To restore one or more settings to their default values:

1.Click one or more desired settings.

2.Click Restore Default on the toolbar.

Undoing the Last Change

Click Undo Last on the toolbar if you use Health Check to make a change and then immediately wish to undo it.

Reviewing/Undoing Session Changes

Click Session Changes to review a list of any Health Check changes you have made during the current browser session. If you wish to undo any of the listed changes, select the box next to any of those changes and click Undo Selected. Click Clear if you wish to erase the list of session changes; it will not change any settings and cannot be undone.


The default values of these security settings are not necessarily what is best for your particular setup. Please take care when using Health Check to make any changes.