Use this page to list any accounts that you wish to exempt from Dynamic Screening's Account Blocking Options.

You should exercise caution when adding an account to this list, because that could, for example, allow an attacking bot network to continue issuing password probes on the account, limited only by the bot network's range of IP addresses. Dynamic Screening would still block the attacker's IP address, but the attacker could continue probing the targeted account as long as they used multiple IP addresses.
Click Add Item(s) to open the Select Users dialog for selecting and adding accounts to the list.

From these domains
By default this should display "All Domains." If you wish to display accounts for only certain domains, click Locations..., choose the domains, and click OK.
Common Queries
Use the options in this section to narrow your search by specifying all or part of the user's name, email address, or the contents of the account's Description. Leave these fields blank if you want the search results to contain every one of the selected domain's users.
Include Disabled Accounts
Check this box if you wish to include disabled accounts in your search.
Find Now
After you have specified all of your search criteria, click Find Now to perform the search.
Search Results
After performing the search, select any desired users in the Search Results and click OK to add them to the list of accounts.
Removing Accounts from the List
To remove an account from the list, select the account and click Remove Item(s).
Auth Failure Tracking
Dynamic Allow List