This screen controls various aspects of MDaemon Instant Messenger (MDIM) for this domain. The initial settings on this screen are determined by the Default MDaemon Instant Messenger settings located on the Web & IM Services dialog. MDIM services can be enabled or disabled for specific accounts or groups via the Web Services and Group Properties screens respectively.
MDaemon Instant Messenger (MDIM)
Enable MDIM (enables Webmail)
Enable this option if you wish to make MDaemon Instant Messenger available for download from within Webmail by default for the domain's users. They can download it from the Options » MDaemon Instant Messenger page. The downloaded installation file will be automatically customized for each user's account to make installation and setup easier. This option also makes it possible for MDIM to use the My Mail Folders features, allowing users to check for new email and open Webmail directly from the MDIM shortcut menu. MDIM is enabled by default.
Enable instant messaging
By default, accounts can use MDIM and third-party XMPP clients to instant message other members of their domain. Clear this checkbox if you do not wish to allow this domain's users to use instant messaging.
IM users see all MDaemon domains in their buddy lists
Click this option if you want this domain's users by default to be able to add contacts to their buddy list from all of your MDaemon domains. When this option is disabled, contacts must be on the same domain. For example, if your MDaemon is hosting mail for and, activating this option for means that users can add instant messaging contacts from both domains. Disabling it means that users can only add other users. This option is disabled by default.
Enable buddy list syncing
Use this option to automatically populate users' buddy lists for the domain.
IM reminders are sent 'From'
When an appointment is scheduled on a user's Webmail calendar, the event can be set to send a reminder to the user at a specified time. If the IM system is active for the user's domain then the reminder will be sent in an instant message to the user. Use this text box to specify the name that you wish the message to appear to be 'From:'.