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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Domain Manager


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Use this section of the Domain Manager to administer the domain's ActiveSync settings. You can manage the ActiveSync settings and defaults for all domains from the ActiveSync Manager's Domains screen.

ActiveSync for MDaemon Management Plugin

Enable ActiveSync Service for this Domain

This option controls whether or not the domain's users will by default be able to use an ActiveSync client to access their email and PIM data. By default the state of this setting is inherited from the Default ActiveSync State, but you can override that setting if you choose by toggling the checkbox to either on or off. This setting can also be overridden for any accounts or clients that you do not wish to use the domain's setting. NOTE: If you disable ActiveSync for this domain, a confirmation box will open to ask if you wish to revoke ActiveSync access for all of the domain's users. Choose No if you wish to allow any of the domain's users who currently use ActiveSync to continue using it. If you choose Yes, then ActiveSync will be disabled for all of that domain's users.

This setting simply controls whether or not any of the domain's accounts will be permitted to use ActiveSync by default, when the ActiveSync service is running. The global option to Enable the ActiveSync protocol must be enabled in order for ActiveSync to be accessible to permitted domains or accounts.
