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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Security Menu > Spam Filter > DNS Block Lists (DNS-BL)

Allow List

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Use this screen to designate IP addresses that will be exempt from DNS Block List queries. You should always include your local IP address range to prevent DNS-BL from looking up messages originating from local users and domains (i.e. 127.0.0.*, 192.168.*.*, and so on). You can also include email addresses on the list. When a message is addressed to one of them then that message will be accepted regardless of the DNS-BL lookups results. Finally, you can also exempt specific senders from DNS-BL results by entering "from" on the list. This address must match the SMTP session's "MAIL FROM" value, not the messages "From:" header.

Place only one entry on each line. Wildcards are permitted.