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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Content Filter and AntiVirus

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Content Filter

The Content Filter (Security » Content Filter) can be used for a large number of purposes such as: preventing spam email, intercepting messages containing viruses before they reach their final destination, copying certain emails to one or more additional users, appending a note or disclaimer to the bottom of messages, adding, and deleting headers, stripping email attachments, deleting messages, and more. Because individual Content Filter rules are created by the administrator, and because of their diversity, they can be used in many situations and are limited for the most part only be the creativity of the person creating them. With a little bit of thought and experimentation, this feature can be very useful.

MDaemon AntiVirus (MDAV)

When utilizing MDaemon's optional AntiVirus feature, you will have access to two additional screens on the Content Filter dialog: Virus Scanning and AV Updater. These screens are used to directly control the AntiVirus features and designate what actions MDaemon will take when a virus is detected. MDAV is equipped with two virus scanning engines: IKARUS Anti-Virus and ClamAV. You can scan messages with either engine or both, for an extra layer of security. MDAV also includes Outbreak Protection, which is not heuristics-based or signature dependent like the traditional protection tools, but is designed to catch spam, phishing and virus attacks that are part of an ongoing outbreak, and which can sometimes be missed by the traditional tools.

Enabling MDaemon AntiVirus for the first time will start a 30-day trial. If you wish to purchase this feature, contact your authorized MDaemon reseller or visit:
