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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Accounts Menu > Account Manager > Account Editor

Mail Services

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The options on this screen govern which mail services the account is allowed to use: POP, IMAP, MultiPOP, and MDaemon Connector. Email access via Webmail is controlled from the Web Services screen. It also contains options for specifying optional Smart Host Access credentials for the account.

Mail Services

Enable POP access (Post Office Protocol)

When this box is checked, the account's mail can be accessed via Post Office Protocol (POP). Virtually all email client software supports this protocol.

...but only from LAN IPs

Check this box if you wish to allow the account to be accessed via POP only when the user is connecting from a LAN IP address.

Enable MultiPOP mail collection

Check this box if you wish to allow the account to use MultiPOP. MultiPOP allows the user to collect mail from other email accounts, maintained on other mail servers.

Enable IMAP access (Internet Message Access Protocol)

When this box is checked, the account's mail can be accessed via Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). IMAP is more versatile than POP3, allowing email to be managed on the server and accessed using multiple clients. Most email client software supports this protocol.

...but only from LAN IPs

Check this box if you wish to allow the account to be accessed via IMAP only when the user is connecting from a LAN IP address.

...enable MDaemon Connector access (requires IMAP)

Click this option if you wish to allow the account to connect using MDaemon Connector. Note: this option will only be available when support for MDaemon Connector is activated on your server.

Restrict SMTP access to LAN IPs only

Check this box if you wish to restrict SMTP access to LAN IPs only. This will prevent accounts from sending mail unless they are connected to your network. If the account tries to send mail from an outside IP address the connection will be refused and dropped.

Smart Host Access

Smart host login/password

If the Allow per-account authentication option is enabled on the Delivery screen at Setup » Server Settings, and you wish to use per-account authentication with this account instead of using the credentials specified on that screen, then specify the account's optional smart host credentials here. If you do not wish to use per-account authentication for this account then leave these options blank.